Study Abroad Program Deadlines

Study Abroad Program Deadlines

A deadline is negative inspiration. Still, it’s better than no inspiration at all. ~Rita Mae Brown Study abroad programs are advertised with deadlines, which do not mean much if enrollments are lower than expected. Because program fees and profit margins are established by a predictable number of payees (enrollees), anything less can drive a program into the red. If this…

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Tips for Living with a Host Family

Tips for Living with a Host Family

One of the best aspects of studying abroad can be living with a host family.  A host family will give you a first-hand experience of everyday life and culture in your host country, as well as a good deal of language practice.  But the experience of adjusting to living with a new family can also seem daunting and can present…

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Submitting a Solid Study Abroad Application is Key

Solid Study Abroad Application

“We are always getting ready to live, but never living.” ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson Let me make myself clear…if the process you went through to choose a study abroad program wasn’t as complex or more than it was for you to choose a college or university for which to study and obtain an undergraduate or graduate degree, then you’re probably…

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How Does Study Abroad Fit Into College?

Nothing that is worth knowing can be taught. ~Oscar Wilde This is a difficult question to answer because it depends on many factors: type of college degree, field of study, career path, chosen program, recognition of your chosen program, etc. The bigger, scarier question you can ask yourself is how your degree is going to help you meet your job…

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Credits on a Study Abroad Program

Credits on a Study Abroad Program

Experience, travel – these are as education in themselves. ~Euripides Most institutions have a process in place to approve study abroad coursework for major, minor, general education, and elective credits. Make sure that your courses are integrated with your study plan by having each one pre-approved before you go abroad. While it may not always be possible to do this…

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Study Abroad Transportation and Lodging

Study Abroad airfare and Lodging

A good traveler has no fixed plans, and is not intent on arriving. ~ Lao Tzu When arranging transportation for your study abroad program and weekend trips while you’re studying abroad, there’s a lot to think about. This section links to resources that we think can help you make better, more informed choices about traveling abroad. Check a variety of…

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