Study Abroad – How to start

Study Abroad - How to Start

Planning your study abroad experience

It’s never too early to plan your study abroad experience and here is some information on how to start such experience.

If you didn’t start your planning in high school, then ideally you should start during your freshman year of college. By starting this early, you will have more program options available to you than you would have if you started later. After you select a program, you can better manage your study path, before you go abroad. Hold off taking requirements that you can fulfill abroad, and in the meantime, take courses that are not offered through your study abroad program.

Traditionally, the junior year has always been viewed as the best time for students to study abroad. However, this tradition is changing. College students are now studying abroad during all phases of their education, even during graduate school and summer vacations. When you choose to study abroad depends on your academic and personal circumstances. It is a good idea to schedule an appointment with your Academic Advisor to talk about how you can best accommodate your plans.

If you’re thinking about doing an academic-year abroad, then a traditional four-year college plan might look like this:

:: Freshman – Gather information from a variety of sources; choose a location and program. Research and apply for scholarships.

:: Sophomore – Apply to a program, continue to apply for scholarships, and plan your experience.

:: Junior – Spend the year living and studying abroad. Get to know the culture and the locals.

:: Senior – Incorporate the experience into your life, your resume, and your career's goals. Leverage your study abroad experience for potential jobs.

This is a partial excerpt from the latest updated edition of Study Abroad 101 by Wendy Williamson.

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